Monday, March 31, 2014

Developing the potential of employees & the organization

The success of any given organization is in its essence always developed through an active working potential amongst the its working resources and its prime indispensable asset; the employees. Observing, nurturing and driving such talent in the workforce through professional OD consultants is the steadiest and most effective way to strengthen both your employees and secure your organization. 

Organizations all over the world spend a large amount of finance, time and resources to pool in the best suitable candidates in accordance to their requirements. However, it is very significant to understand that as the business progresses from time to time, the professional progress of an employee in regards to his potential, profile and growth is also equally important. It is only after developing the workforce potential, that you can increase the organizations success parameters. Listed below are three basic considerations to help boost the potential of the employees and the organization:
  • Understanding your employees
Post recruitment process, it is very necessary to understand the psyche and working capability of your employees. Understanding your employees puts you in a better perspective to help them in developing their skills through effective and exclusive coaching sessions/workshops. Carrying periodic assessments gives one a clarity on the particular strengths and weaknesses in the candidate whilst highlighting potential problems right at an early start followed by supplementing it with diagnostics. Overall, this step also initiates competitiveness which brings out the best in employees.
  • Defining specific objectives and targets
Proceeding after the phase where you get to recognize and acknowledge your employees potentials, you can work out an elaborate objective plan with specific and definite goals. Defining objectives and goals help secure your employees with a clear understanding of the company's requirements and their collective role towards meeting them.
  • Strengthening and promoting employee engagement
In order to meet your targeted development plan it is necessary to create an environment where the employees consciously understand their role for the growth of the organization. There should be an official forum that observes and acknowledges the needs of the employees which supplements their security in the organization authoritatively. Employee engagement is a profound commitment that needs to be nurtured with apt feedback from time to time.

Cerveausys Strategic, an esteemed Hr division based in Pune, specializes in HR and OD consulting for the internal betterment of working resources in organizations. With an excellent track record Cerveausys has helped shape the growth of a cluster of organizations effectively by dispensing some of the best OD consultants in the industry today.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Talent Management Strategy

The demand for talent will never reduce be it in challenging or good times. The main advantage of talent management is that right people can be hired for the right position at the right time in a company.

A good company's growth depends on various factors, the chief of them being the roles of Strategic business management consultants. Nonetheless, human resource operations and strategies perform an effective role for the improving the effectiveness of an organization. The workforce is a vital facet for the working stability of any company. A number of organizations apply innovative talent management approaches for a competitive advantage over others. Cerveausys is one of the best strategic consulting firms that provides strategy, HR and OD consulting services in Pune. Whether it’s in mobility programs or compensation strategies, we provide premier talent management services for the internal betterment of your firm.

Along with Strategy consulting services, we also provide recruitment and resource management. Our human capital professionals analyze your company and suggest the appropriate recommendations. We also design compensation programs and equity incentives to engage the right talent in your company. Apart from this, we also administer and improve your company's strategic alignment so that you get the necessary support to manage your most valuable asset - your employees. We create a strategic model that will help you execute the firm and perform well. We also build sustainable pipelines to meet your company's present and future requirements.

Providing the best services in Strategy consulting services, we work towards building effective strategies to give you the best talent among the lot. Be it a big or small enterprise, we help you validate your strategic performance to help you stay ahead in competition. With Cerveausys build a genuinely talent-centric organization that aligns people transformation for current and future business goals.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Organizational skills Gap

There are many aspects that go into the making of a company. Whether it is hiring the best talent, increasing revenue, maintaining the lead in the market or defining which processes to follow internally, all of these require a lot of forethought and careful planning. In order to meet these demands and anticipate future requirements, all companies endorse a strategy – an account of a course of action that is future oriented and which constantly aims for change.
Change is good. In this dynamic market, any company that stagnates loses out to its competitors. Change is what defines success for a business, and what causes a company to embrace change is strategy management. Most companies have a strategic plan in place in order to meet their missions and objectives successfully. By linking it with their HRM, organizations can make human resource decisions now that will help them support the direction of the organization in the future.
Strategic HR planning is an important component of organization's human resource planning. In the simplest terms, it is the process of linking your company’s human resource function to the strategic objectives of your organization so as to improve performance. It integrates all the management principles and systems of HRM which are in place, with the overall strategy and mission of the company, while at the same time meeting the needs of the customers and stakeholders.
Beyond its obvious benefits, strategy planning has another, bigger benefit – it influences the intangibles. According to analysts, more than 65% of a company’s stock price is made up of intangibles like brand value, innovativeness, culture and reputation. All of this is a direct result of Strategic HR planning. This is because one of its main functions is to ensure that there are adequate human resources to meet the goals of the organization i.e. the right people possessing the right skills are available at the right time. It acknowledges that intellectual capital is a major competitive advantage, and it is the people of the organization that implement the strategic plan. It considers any people issues that affect the strategic plan of the organization (or are affected by it), including leadership and positive labor relations.
In order to implement these strategies and help drive changes in the workplace, companies often call upon the services of consultants. Due to their specialized knowledge in this field, organizational development consultants help businesses solve problems and accomplish their goals. They are independent experts who recommend changes in an organization by analyzing the corporate environment in order to improve employee morale and boost efficiency. They offer advice and leadership in strategic planning and development. After all, it is in every company’s best interests to invest wisely in influencing their human capital strategies.
Cerveausys Strategic Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is a premier strategy management consulting firm based in Pune which specializes in Organizational Efficiency and has assisted numerous organizations by instituting value propositions across the management through innovative organization development tools, solutions, and services. To connect and know more about the services of HR and OD consultants in Mumbai and Pune you can visit their website for more information @

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Fundamentals of Developing Business Leadership

To compliment leadership in any business outfit, a synchronization of character, a synchronization of value and a synchronization of the organizations determined mission vouches for the credibility and longevity of the business. Ultimately value recognition of the organization is ideally represented when the employees, all the levels of management, the organizations brand value and the mission and vision are sustainably bound together.
Empowerment is an indispensable factor in begetting productivity and in boosting the outline and scope of value based leadership. It is also very important to understand that the term "values " should not be particularly curated across the organization. Values start right at the top and should ideally be instituted and represented through routine decisions, management -employee interactions and through credible and natural communication in the organization. Feedback, Openness and Transparency on all levels and profiles of management is an essential for value addition.
Having said this, a strategic human resource workforce is a major driver of value based propositions across the organization.
A process that includes the use of OD consultants in order to develop human resource strategy is referred to as strategic HR. It is basically a different way of doing things and defines an organization's goals and plans. These approaches can be integrated horizontally and vertically in the business strategy. The three propositions for the success of an organization are:
  • Human capital that is a major source of competitive advantage
  • People implementing the strategic plan
  • A systematic approach adapted that defines an organization's goals
The OD Consultants framework define the intentions and plans that are related to the organization's overall considerations. Organizational effectiveness, people management skills, research & development reward and employee satisfaction are key essentials for internal growth and prosperity. There are several companies that offer strategic HR consulting services. They help in chalking out a strategic plan that will effectively work, irrespective of an organization's size and strength.
Strategic human resource management takes care of broad organizational issues that are related to changes in structure and culture, management of change, development of distinctive capabilities, matching resources to future requirements, knowledge management and the organizational effectiveness and performance. It deals with both the development human capital requirements and process of getting things done effectively.
Cerveausys Strategic Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is a premier human resource division located in Pune which specializes in business strategy planning & OD consulting services and has assisted numerous organizations by instituting value propositions across the management through innovative organization development plannings & strategies, solutions, and services.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Human Resources Planning Strategies

The Human Resource division is what sets the wheels of organization in a firm. In today's pressure intensive front for businesses, ensuring and channelizing a successful internal management is of utmost importance. The process of Human Resource planning largely involves highlighting the changes in the scenario that the organization is subjected to from time to time and reinforce potential to all the working resources of the firm in order to ensure a sustained management functioning with a greater output.
A strategic consulting setup helps you define and get clarity in your business by identifying and articulating the organizational values, in turn, establishing an ethical foundation for sustained business results.
Strategic consultants facilitate the process of materializing strategic intent and promoting effective communication on all levels of management whilst keeping the goals and objectives of the organization in regard. An important perquisite of business strategy consulting firms, includes, leveraging positive results by structuring a platform for business performance, management and review with smooth transition in planning and implementation rather than focusing on short term aspects in regards to resources. A large part of the work includes channelizing your resources doubled up with the right actions and ensuring strategy execution.
Introducing change management effectively and providing comprehensive support with expertise on expansion plans, process restructuring and introducing strategic reforms proves to be a stronghold in the functioning of the organization. Strategic consultants also assist in conditioning the organization to sustain, adapt and generate results during changes that are subjected to the business from time to time.
An important perquisite of strategy execution includes designing and commencing Executive Training Workshops for the senior management, exclusively, which helps them in recognizing and developing superior capabilities and specialized skill sets.
Cerveausys Strategic Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is a premier human resource division which renders exclusive services for HR and OD Consultants in Mumbai & Pune and for Organization development consultants in Pune & Mumbai. With exclusively tailored human resource services and a commendable experience of results to their name, Cerveausys today is widely recognized for its work. To know more about HR and OD consultants in Pune, you can connect with Cerveausys online.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Rebuild an empire with effective efficiency strategies

Don't you want to include measures in the company that will maximize its efficiency and set new benchmarks for company objectives and its value deliverables?
This is where efficiency strategies are instrumental for any business. They help a company set their goals and meet the needs of a client. They lend the professionalism that binds a company in unity and guides it towards a sustainable growth and unprecedented success. Efficiency for an organization is when it continues to deliver high quality products at reduced costs while witnessing a significant increase in productivity.
By taking the services of a Strategic Hr Management Consulting, you will streamline everything from your vision to planning and implementation of strategies to the hilt for better and effective results. Some measure for implementing efficiency strategies include:
Be efficient in your strategiesInclude your top management in the decision making process of formulating your companies objectives and goals. These committee members comprising your top management or the most effective leaders will ensure that the strategies are implemented and measures taken to ensure that the goals are met.
Scrutinize your practicesUnderstand your company's practices and procedures. Understand what are your company's weakness. These weak spots should be your focus area for improvements. When you overhaul the practices in which your company's flailing at, you automatically improve the productivity in the process. A good start can be eliminating duplicity, extravagance and spillage or wastage.
Be efficient in your practicesBe efficient in your every practice. Look for measures to improve the current practices and for areas for improvement.
Sustain this efficiencyEmbed this new-found efficiency throughout your organization. Prioritize your jobs, hire specialists, increase awareness among every employee. Ensure that the zeal is not lost. There are both short-term and long-term results that you will see as a cause of these measures. Ensure that you revise both your immediate and future goals as the benefits come pouring in.
Any good strategic consultant in Pune will provide your organization with a strategic vision, planning measures and the tools for its effective implementation. These measures will bolster your organization's strength and streamline your processes. These od strategic consultants can also supervise your media relations planning, helping you revamp your public image.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Essentials of HR Management

Human Resource Management or HRM is a significant division of Organizational Management and development on a whole. Human Resource Management in totality inclusively functions around the aspects mentioned below:
  • Recruitment & Performance Management
  • Securing the organizations processes and workforce by conforming appropriately to the employment and labor laws.
  •  Organizational Development
  •  Employer Branding , Selection , Training, Performance Appraisals and Rewarding the organizations workforce.
  • Delivering Organizational leadership and Talent Management Services
  • and imparting an appropriate internal work culture for all levels of management.
  • Imparting effective transformation and change in the internal working of an organization.
  • Advising the organization on strategic business moves and partaking in Acquisition and Mergers when required.
The HRM division is a parallel entity that compliments and effectively filters the internal working of an organization, revising and engineering the management productively  thereby, ensuring qualitative productivity, maintaining and maximizing the output of the entity. Human Resource Consultants facilitate the process of materializing strategic intent and promoting effective communication on all levels of management whilst keeping the goals and objectives of the organization in regard. An important perquisite of business strategy consulting firms, includes, leveraging positive  results by shaping a platform for effective business performance, management and review with smooth transition in planning and implementation rather than focusing on short term aspects in regards to resources. A large part of the work includes focusing on the clients resources doubled up with the appropriate research and planning followed by ensuring  expert strategy execution.
Introducing change management effectively and providing comprehensive support with expertise on expansion scale up plans, organizational restructuring and strategic repositioning proves to be a stronghold in the functioning of the organization. The human resource division also assists in conditioning the organization to sustain, withstand, adapt and generate positive results during changes that are subjected to the business from time to time.
CerveauSys Strategic Consulting Private Limited is a premier human resource management and development  and development firm based in Pune which specializes in Strategic development , Organizational development and talent management practices. With exceptional results and a pleased client base that swear by their credibility, Cerveausys today, is recognized for outstanding excellence in its work. The firm has successfully defined its clients and their own existence in the Human Resource industry, today. CerveauSys Strategic Consulting, specializes in rendering Human Resource and Organizational Development services and  has assisted a number of organizations to shape their growth and boost their prospects for development. To connect and know more about their services you can visit