Showing posts with label Human Resource and Organizational Development services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human Resource and Organizational Development services. Show all posts

Friday, October 10, 2014

Role of HR Beyond Hiring and Firing

Human Resources is an integral part of business management and organizational development. Recruitment, executing compensation policy and implementing exit formalities are considered to be some of the conventional roles of HR. In fact, HR personnel have been primarily associated with hiring and firing only. However, owing to changing economic and management scenarios, these traditional roles of HR have undergone a metamorphosis. Modern day HR personnel are more involved in the 'strategic' part of business management.

Scope of HR Beyond Hiring and Firing

The primary objective of HRM is to create an employee-centric work environment. As HRM is a connecting link between management and workforce, its focus should be on improving the employee-employer relationship and create a conducive environment for employees to work. To achieve this, an HR professional must shed his traditional image and adopt newer ways to devise and transform his conventional profile of hiring and firing. Given below are some of the job responsibilities of HR beyond hiring and firing.

Employee Development and Training
An HR professional must constantly look out for newer ways to enhance the personal and professional growth of employees. Implementing training programs is a good way of achieving this. The training topic can be specific, pertaining to an organization's intrinsic strategies or it can be generic such as communication, business ethics etc.   

Devising Compensation Plans
Although HRM has traditionally being associated with only the 'execution' of compensation policies, modern day HR personnel are expected to get involved in 'formulation' of compensation plans as well. An HR must be able to devise a fair compensation and benefits plan that is competency based.

Implementing Performance Evaluation Methodologies
An HR must upgrade his knowledge regarding the latest performance evaluation tools and techniques. It is important to establish a common ground for evaluating the performance of employees to develop a sense of trust. HR and OD consulting firms are extremely efficient in this area. 

Ensuring Employee Welfare  
This is the gist of all HR roles and responsibilities. An HR must never ignore the 'human' part of Human Resources Management. An HR should supervise all the policies related to employee health and safety at workplace. An HR should also ensure compliance with all the mandatory employee welfare policies, such as ensuring there is a committee to address issues such as sexual harassment, racial discrimination etc. 

Thus, the roles and responsibilities of HR have become even more critical from the point of view of an organization as well as employees. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Outsourcing Business Development

Organizational Development consultants are the working force that secure the internal running of your organization and effectively enhance the overall business output, in the process. Constructively shaping the organization, Hr and OD consultants have revolutionized the empowerment of business through the application of behavioral science and methodical organizational strategies and processes
Framework of Hr and OD consultants    
A large part of the OD's work involves Strategic Planning, Surveys & assessments, Leadership Development, Process Analysis & Design, Human Resource Management, Total Quality Management and process restructuring amongst the many other attributes which are effectively executed be by them. Through strategic  work OD consultants qualitatively render a relatively high involvement of team work enhancing and bringing about the process of team building , group facilitation and succession planning in motion.
The significance of an Hr and OD consultant in an enterprise is indispensable. The consultants in totality enhance in broadening the customer satisfaction by boosting the overall performance and work environment of the firm, thereby increasing efficiency and bringing about a sense of belonging and commitment in the organization.

Hr and OD consultants cater to a diverse set of businesses ranging from their size, institutes, particular departmental projects and many such divisions. The OD's work mainly involves sizing up the company and allocating proper and effective resources to compliment it. Some potential services rendered by OD  consultants include the follows
  • Change Management
  • Process Redesign
  • Team Building and Group Empowerment 
  •  Designing & implementing the Agenda
  • Customized Training through Research                
Cerveausys Strategic Consulting is a  premier human resource division which specializes in outsourcing HR and OD consultants in Pune. With exceptional results and a pleased client base that swear by their credibility, Cerveausys today, is recognized for outstanding excellence in their work. Cerveausys Strategic Consulting, specializes in rendering Human Resource and Organizational Development services and  has assisted a number of organizations to shape their growth and boost their prospects for development. To connect and know more about their services you can visit their website at