Showing posts with label hr & organization development consulting firms in mumbai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hr & organization development consulting firms in mumbai. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2014

Techniques for Motivating Employees

If there exists any successful mantra for extracting the desired output from employees, then it is 'motivation'. Yes, motivation can do wonders for boosting the morale of your employees. A good management team knows how to keep their employees motivated and encourage them to perform better. Motivation is an adhesive that keeps the employees and management together and increases their collective strength. Here are some motivational techniques often implemented by HR and OD consultants, that will not only help you to enhance the performance of your employees but will also strengthen their relationship with you. 
Communicating Your Expectations
It is a great idea to align your organization's goals with personal goals of an employee. An employee must have a clear understanding regarding what is exactly expected out of her. This will eliminate ambiguities that might result due to miscommunication and the employee will be able to direct her efforts only where they are required. 

Understanding the Motivational Needs of Employees
While there is no doubt that every employee needs motivation, the means of motivation may differ for each employee. One employee may just need recognition for her work in form of words while other employee may get motivated if you help her achieve work-life balance. Nonetheless, all employees derive encouragement, if their efforts are rewarded in some form.    

Performance Incentives  
Who doesn't like to be rewarded whenever they accomplish something? Rewards or incentives are a great way to keep your employees motivated and help them achieve bigger goals. However, it is important to make sure that the employee should be intrinsically motivated; meaning the sense of accomplishment must come from deep inside. The employee must not be motivated to perform, just because there is a reward in the end. 

Develop Mutual Trust
Mutual trust is of utmost importance when it comes to motivating employees. Employees must never doubt your intentions whenever you assign them a responsibility. They must feel assured that when you assign a job to them, they are going to contribute to an organization's development in some way.  

Create a Common Ground for Everyone to Perform          
The employees will only feel motivated whenever they are assured that their performance is being measured by a fair, transparent system. To achieve this, it is important to identify core competencies of every employee and create a ground to suit their respective competencies. Although tedious, this is the best means to achieve a fair and transparent system to monitor their performance and reward them. 

Managers are often considered as a role model for their employees. The employees tend to scrutinize their manager's behavior and mimic it. Hence, it is imperative that the managers themselves stay motivated and exhibit great leadership skills.   

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sinkholes/Doline in Your Strategy

Strategy is the backbone of any organization. It can be compared with a ship's rudder. One can imagine the state of the ship that tries to sail without a rudder. Similarly, it is impossible for an organization to keep functioning effectively without a proper strategy in place. Oftentimes, top officials of organizations confuse strategy with mission, vision or even goals of an organization. One must understand that strategy in itself is not an achievable goal or objective, instead, it is a means to achieve your goals. In short, it is a roadmap to your organization's success. Thus, having an effective strategy is a must for every organization. Sinkholes in your strategy must be identified and rectified on time.    

The real question is how you can identify whether your strategy is foolproof or not? Business strategy consultants usually begin by answering these two critical questions.  

  • What are the distinct strengths of your organization which give you an edge over your competitors? 
  • What are the chances that these strengths will become obsolete in near future? 
When you answer the first question you become aware about the capabilities of your organization. Next, check if your existing strategy makes utilization of these distinct capabilities to their utmost potential. If not, you have got a problem with your strategy. 

The second question is far more critical and has a huge impact on the future of your organization. So many iconic businesses that were at their peak had to bite dust, just because their USPs became obsolete after a while, and they did not have a backup plan to cope with the changing market demands. There are so many examples to illustrate this fact, the latest being that of smart phones. Some giant handset manufacturing companies either had to lose business to android phones or had to come up with their own smart phones. Similarly, many printing related businesses could not cope with the digital revolution. 

Thus, it is imperative to build your business on technologies that are either time-proof or can be molded to meet the market demands in future. If not, then this sinkhole can become bigger enough to swallow your entire business.