Showing posts with label business strategy consulting firms mumbai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business strategy consulting firms mumbai. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

HR & OD Strategies for Organization Success

"Vision without action is daydream, action without vision is nightmare"

The above words aptly underline the importance of having a vision for a business and directing our actions as per the vision. If the actions are not aligned with the vision, mission of an organization, then it can spell serious trouble for its development. HR and OD consultants are qualified experts who can bridge the gap between the organization's goals and its current status. They implement various HR and OD strategies that can accelerate the growth of an organization.

Impact of HR and OD Strategies on Organization Success

Quality of work and service, profitability, productivity, morale of employees are some of the factors that are integral to an organization's success. HR and OD strategies are not simply formulated to bring about a change to better the working of an organization. In fact, it is a change process that is implemented to achieve a certain predefined goal, result or an organizational objective. In this sense, they bring about a drastic change in the perception of above mentioned factors. Self- analysis, evaluation, planning, and system improvement are some of the core principles of organizational development strategies. HR policies are formulated in such a way that the employee feels he is a part of an entire process. The current trend in HR and OD indicates that the organizations are inclined towards formulating policies that are employee-centric. Hence, the intervention policies are carefully planned by HR and OD consultants by keeping in mind the interest of all stakeholders. 

Given below are a few HR and OD strategies that are often implemented to achieve organizational success:

Using Organizational Diagnosis Models in Strategic Planning: This includes using various organizational analysis models to find present status of organizational performance, conducting SWOT analysis and taking steps to realign the current activities of an organization with its mission, vision.

Organizational Learning Strategies: Identifying the problem areas of employees that are critical to business success and providing learning solutions to overcome them.

Building a Leadership Pipeline: Creating new leaders who can take up challenges and put the organization back on track. 

Organizational Performance Improvement: Time to time evaluation to check if the organizational activities are in harmony with its goals and objectives and implementing initiatives to bridge the gap between current and desired status. 

Change Management: Implementing change management initiatives helps the employees to cope with the changing work scenario in a better way. 

Hence business result focused, HR and OD strategies are critical to an organization's success. It is strongly recommended to review and realign your business strategies periodically to -successfully compete and grow in today’s uncertain and most dynamic market conditions.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Techniques for Motivating Employees

If there exists any successful mantra for extracting the desired output from employees, then it is 'motivation'. Yes, motivation can do wonders for boosting the morale of your employees. A good management team knows how to keep their employees motivated and encourage them to perform better. Motivation is an adhesive that keeps the employees and management together and increases their collective strength. Here are some motivational techniques often implemented by HR and OD consultants, that will not only help you to enhance the performance of your employees but will also strengthen their relationship with you. 
Communicating Your Expectations
It is a great idea to align your organization's goals with personal goals of an employee. An employee must have a clear understanding regarding what is exactly expected out of her. This will eliminate ambiguities that might result due to miscommunication and the employee will be able to direct her efforts only where they are required. 

Understanding the Motivational Needs of Employees
While there is no doubt that every employee needs motivation, the means of motivation may differ for each employee. One employee may just need recognition for her work in form of words while other employee may get motivated if you help her achieve work-life balance. Nonetheless, all employees derive encouragement, if their efforts are rewarded in some form.    

Performance Incentives  
Who doesn't like to be rewarded whenever they accomplish something? Rewards or incentives are a great way to keep your employees motivated and help them achieve bigger goals. However, it is important to make sure that the employee should be intrinsically motivated; meaning the sense of accomplishment must come from deep inside. The employee must not be motivated to perform, just because there is a reward in the end. 

Develop Mutual Trust
Mutual trust is of utmost importance when it comes to motivating employees. Employees must never doubt your intentions whenever you assign them a responsibility. They must feel assured that when you assign a job to them, they are going to contribute to an organization's development in some way.  

Create a Common Ground for Everyone to Perform          
The employees will only feel motivated whenever they are assured that their performance is being measured by a fair, transparent system. To achieve this, it is important to identify core competencies of every employee and create a ground to suit their respective competencies. Although tedious, this is the best means to achieve a fair and transparent system to monitor their performance and reward them. 

Managers are often considered as a role model for their employees. The employees tend to scrutinize their manager's behavior and mimic it. Hence, it is imperative that the managers themselves stay motivated and exhibit great leadership skills.   

Monday, September 8, 2014

Strategize Your Business to Achieve Your Goal

Strategy planning is the heart and soul of any business. In simple words, it is your roadmap to achieve your business goals. An impeccable strategy can take your business places, whereas a defective one can sink it in no time. Strategizing your business is pure mind game, which involves answering these questions:

             Where is your business right now?
             What are your business goals?
             How do you plan to achieve them?
             What is the time span for achieving them?
             How will you identify if you have achieved your goals or not?

When you have found out answers to these questions you have a rough sketch of your roadmap ready with you. In other words, you have chalked down a strategy for achieving your business goals. 

Effective Strategy Planning

There is a minute difference between an efficient strategy and an effective one. Oftentimes, people take effectiveness for efficiency and vice-a-verse. An organization that runs efficiently may not always be an effective one. Efficient planning takes into account what the weaknesses of an organization are and what are the ways to improve it. There is no doubt that this strategy planning will yield competitive results for the organization, however, it may deter it from achieving humungous success that it is capable of. An effective strategy planning not only takes into account the weaknesses of an organization and devises ways to improve them, but it also identifies its strength and ways to harness it. Besides, it also takes into account the feedback of stakeholders, which is pivotal in the success of any organization. Needless to say, an effective strategy planning can be your sure shot way to a great organizational success. 

Strategy consulting firms are better equipped at effectively implementing a strategy for organizations. Some of the techniques used by strategy consulting firms include:

             Healthy brainstorming.
             Identifying key problem areas.
             Devising multiple solutions.
             Identifying feasible solutions.
             Implementing performance metrics.
             Devising tools such as Balanced Score Card to measure and validate performance.
             Tracking and reporting the execution of strategy.

Thus, the importance of devising an effective strategy for your business cannot be undermined. Strategizing your business insulates it from future challenges.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Business Strategy Consulting Firms in Mumbai

CerveauSys Strategic Consulting is amongst top Business Strategy, HR and OD strategic consultants in Mumbai and Pune. We are a creative management consulting firm offering value adding partnership with your organization for enhancing Strategic Focus, People Performance and Motivation, resulting in superior business outcome. We implement highly innovative and effective business strategies for improving the overall performance of your organization.
Some of the key aspects of our Business Strategy Consulting Services include:

Vision, Mission and Values Workshops
Our workshops help you define clearly the core objective of your business. This enables you to establish a consensus about the future that you wish to create. Identification and -articulation of organizational values help you build your business on an ethical foundation. 

Strategic Planning Workshops and Facilitation
These workshops help you validate your strategic assumptions. Our experts facilitate healthy brainstorming regarding the issues that may be impacting your performance. This ensures group consensus, thereby formulating and implementing strategic -objectives easier. 

Balanced Score Card (BSC) Implementation
This strategic tool gives you a leveraging effect in achieving your business results. It translates your vision and strategy into specific actionable goals that can be measured and linked to responsibilities of employees across levels. This helps organizations in channelizing valuable resources to right actions across the organization and thereby ensuring successful strategy execution. Balanced Score Card serves as a scientific framework for Business Performance Management and Review.

Performance and Productivity Improvement Initiatives
Our team of experts equipped with innovative tools and techniques helps you to identify and resolve problems that are unique to your business challenges. These initiatives include projects such as Kaizen, TPM, TQM, Value Stream Mapping, 5S etc.

Change Management Initiatives
Our experts provide comprehensive facilitation for meeting demands created by critical business situations such as growth, expansion/scale up plans, organizational restructuring and strategic repositioning as response to external situations. We design and deliver people oriented change management programs/specific change initiatives. We partner with you to create positive acceptance to the change and implement the change strategies successfully.