Thursday, December 5, 2013

Organization Development and Structuring

Human resources and OD consultants, today, are the physical embodiment of driving an organizations task force towards organized productivity, internally and externally.
A human Resource division and OD consultants structure the internal tools of the organization , the staff and the management policies, by largely working on the organizations processes and development of the workforce. They also condition the profile of the organization positively and help the business in sustaining and adapting to generic changes from time to time.
Initially, an HR division researches and analyzes the internal working of all the levels of management followed with detailed reports on the existing functions of management. Strategic Planning & Consulting, Process Restructuring, Change Management, Executive Training & Coaching Programs and  a platform for effective internal communication are some of the few vital aspects that are conducted post R&D. The process of materializing all the above perquisites are the prime skill set of HR and OD consultants. Employees are the tools of the trade and ensuring their engagement whilst productively working on conducting Employee Engagement Assessments helps in setting standards for identifying and rewarding the performance and potential of the employees.
Another significant aspect of an organization includes' talent acquisition'. Filtering recruitment's, placing the right person for the right skill set and securing his position goes a long way in the growth of an organization. A major part of this involves establishing competitive  recruitment's through the use of scientifically developed tools and integrating automated evaluation processes, assisting the managers to inspect the departments workforce and inventorying timely assessments. 
Cerveausys Strategic Consulting Private Limited is a premier human resource division which specializes in strategic management. With exceptional results and a pleased client base that swear by their credibility, Cerveausys today, is recognized for outstanding excellence in its work. The firm has successfully defined its clients and its own existence in the Human Resource industry. Cerveausys Strategic Consulting, specializes in rendering Human Resource and Organizational Development services and  has assisted a number of organizations to shape their growth and boost their prospects for development. To connect and know more about their services you can visit their website at

Friday, November 29, 2013

Outsourcing Business Development

Organizational Development consultants are the working force that secure the internal running of your organization and effectively enhance the overall business output, in the process. Constructively shaping the organization, Hr and OD consultants have revolutionized the empowerment of business through the application of behavioral science and methodical organizational strategies and processes
Framework of Hr and OD consultants    
A large part of the OD's work involves Strategic Planning, Surveys & assessments, Leadership Development, Process Analysis & Design, Human Resource Management, Total Quality Management and process restructuring amongst the many other attributes which are effectively executed be by them. Through strategic  work OD consultants qualitatively render a relatively high involvement of team work enhancing and bringing about the process of team building , group facilitation and succession planning in motion.
The significance of an Hr and OD consultant in an enterprise is indispensable. The consultants in totality enhance in broadening the customer satisfaction by boosting the overall performance and work environment of the firm, thereby increasing efficiency and bringing about a sense of belonging and commitment in the organization.

Hr and OD consultants cater to a diverse set of businesses ranging from their size, institutes, particular departmental projects and many such divisions. The OD's work mainly involves sizing up the company and allocating proper and effective resources to compliment it. Some potential services rendered by OD  consultants include the follows
  • Change Management
  • Process Redesign
  • Team Building and Group Empowerment 
  •  Designing & implementing the Agenda
  • Customized Training through Research                
Cerveausys Strategic Consulting is a  premier human resource division which specializes in outsourcing HR and OD consultants in Pune. With exceptional results and a pleased client base that swear by their credibility, Cerveausys today, is recognized for outstanding excellence in their work. Cerveausys Strategic Consulting, specializes in rendering Human Resource and Organizational Development services and  has assisted a number of organizations to shape their growth and boost their prospects for development. To connect and know more about their services you can visit their website at

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Strategic Essentials

Business Strategy Consulting Firms today hold great significance in boosting the productivity of an organization internally and externally.
A strategic consulting setup helps you define and get clarity in your business by identifying and articulating  the organizational values, in turn, establishing an ethical foundation for sustained business results.
Strategic consultants facilitate the process of materializing strategic intent and promoting effective communication on all levels of management whilst keeping the goals and objectives of the organization in regard. An important perquisite of business strategy consulting firms, includes, leveraging positive  results by structuring a platform for business performance, management and review with smooth transition in planning and implementation rather than focusing on short term aspects in regards to resources. A large part of the work includes channelizing your resources doubled up with the right actions and ensuring strategy execution.
Introducing change management effectively and providing comprehensive support with expertise on expansion scale up plans, organizational restructuring and strategic repositioning proves to be a stronghold in the functioning of the organization. Strategic consultants also assist in conditioning the organization to sustain, adapt and generate results during changes that are subjected to the business from time to time.
An important perquisite of strategy execution includes designing and commencing Executive Training Workshops for the senior management, exclusively, which helps them in recognizing and developing superior capabilities and specialized skill sets. Few of the many aspects that workshops are commenced on include Leadership Development, Strategic Marketing and Stress Management.
Cerveausys Strategic Consulting is a Pune based premier human resource division which specializes in business strategy consulting. With exceptional results and a pleased client base that swear by their credibility, Cerveausys today, is recognized for outstanding excellence in its work. The firm has successfully defined its clients and its own existence in the Human Resource industry. Cerveausys Strategic Consulting, specializes in rendering Human Resource and Organizational Development services and  has assisted a number of organizations to shape their growth and boost their prospects for development. To connect and know more about their services you can visit their website at

Friday, November 15, 2013

Key Skills of Organizing Development

Human resources and OD consultants, today, are the physical embodiment of driving an organizations task force towards organized productivity, internally and externally.
A human Resource division and OD consultants structure the internal tools of the organization , the staff and the management policies, by largely working on the organizations processes and development of the workforce. They also condition the profile of the organization positively and help the business in sustaining and adapting to generic changes from time to time.

Initially, an HR division researches and analyzes the internal working of all the levels of management followed with detailed reports on the existing functions of management. Strategic Planning & Consulting, Process Restructuring, Change Management, Executive Training & Coaching Programs and  a platform for effective internal communication are some of the few vital aspects that are conducted post R&D. The process of materializing all the above perquisites are the prime skill set of HR and OD consultants in Pune. Employees are the tools of the trade and ensuring their engagement whilst productively working on conducting Employee Engagement Assessments helps in setting standards for identifying and rewarding the performance and potential of the employees.
Another significant aspect of an organization includes' talent acquisition'. Filtering recruitment's, placing the right person for the right skill set and securing his position goes a long way in the growth of an organization. A major part of this involves establishing competitive  recruitment's through the use of scientifically developed tools and integrating automated evaluation processes, assisting the managers to inspect the departments workforce and inventorying timely assessments. 
Cerveausys Strategic Consulting Private Limited is a premier human resource division which specializes in strategic management. With exceptional results and a pleased client base that swear by their credibility, Cerveausys today, is recognized for outstanding excellence in its work. The firm has successfully defined its clients and its own existence in the Human Resource industry. Cerveausys Strategic Consulting, specializes in rendering Human Resource and Organizational Development services and  has assisted a number of organizations to shape their growth and boost their prospects for development. To connect and know more about their services you can visit their website at

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

ODC - The Rescue Crew of Business !

Organization of the workforce is the order of the day and Organization Development Consultants are the internal drivers for  delivering effective results through structuring the dynamics of all the levels of management. 

What do ODC's do ?

    Business Management : Every organization has a unique management that is constantly evolving in sync with the ongoing and future prospects of the organization. ODC's ensure the smooth working of internal management by analyzing the organizational diagnostics through detailed  research and concocting effective management models which prominently extend to maintaining and  enhancing  the Human Resource Division, Internal process &workforce development and change management, to name a few. A majority of the work largely  involves
helping the business to smoothly adapt to generic and particular changes whilst securing the position of the organization by helping it sustain and advance its existence in the course.
     Administration and Employee  management: The employees are the tools of the trade and ensuring their engagement and appreciating their inputs are of the foremost priority in all business setups. Organizational Development Consultants highlight the critical factors in the internal working of the organization and liberating the functioning of employees in accordance to their work by conducting Employee Engagement Assessments  and setting standards for identifying and rewarding the performance and potential of the employees.
     Talent Acquisition and Filtering Recruitment's: Recognizing the requirement and expected skill set for concerned roles and establishing competitive  recruitment through the    use of scientifically developed tools and integrating automated evaluation processes. This also includes assisting the managers to inspect the departments workforce and inventorying timely assessments and capabilities in the department followed with placing the right people with the right proficiency at the right time for the right role.
 Management Framework/ Developing Performance models: Strategic Planning & Consulting, Process Restructuring, Change Management, Executive Training & Coaching Programs and  a platform for effective internal communication are some of the few aspects of the management framework in totality. A consultants responsibility in this regard is to materialize effective and sustainable programs for empowering all the levels of management.

Cerveausys Strategic Consulting is a Private Limited firm based in Pune which offers a diverse range of exclusive Consultancy and Strategic HR services in Pune. With an impressive clientele who vouch for their creditability, Cerveausys,  delivers organizational effectiveness and people competencies through high impact Initiatives resulting in  valuable, consistent and measurable results.