Thursday, September 25, 2014

Training - A Means for Motivation and Retention

Employee morale is a deciding factor for an organization's success. Employees who are insecure, low on morale often suffer from low productivity. If for some reason, an entire organization's performance is lackluster, then there might be a serious issue underneath. Such underlying problems can be resolved with appropriate training programs.

Training for Employee Motivation and Retention  
Although, training is an integral part of an employee's growth and an organization's development, not many companies feel the need to invest in good training programs. In fact, any prospective plan for training often counters resistance from employees and managers. Both feel that training will consume a lot of their productive time. In reality, training is crucial because it improves productivity. There are some scenarios in which training becomes absolutely essential. Some of these are:

  • Employees show dismal performance.
  • Employees lack certain skills.
  • Organization adopts a new technology, for which employees need to be trained.
  • Employees are to be assigned different role/responsibility.
  • To test a new Performance Management System
  • Certain event, activity has had an unpleasant effect upon the morale of the employees.

Types of Training Topics  
Training topics are often organization-specific. However, there are some general topics upon which every organization should provide training. These include:

  • Communication
  • Ethics
  • Public Speaking
  • Workplace Safety
  • Sexual Harassment

An organization can take the help from HR and OD consultants to chalk out an appropriate training program for its employees. They can either invite an external trainer to impart training or ask one of its members to contribute. One great idea is to assign the responsibility of training to its own employees. Employees can share their skills or knowledge acquired at seminars, conferences that they attended. This gives an opportunity for employees to enhance their knowledge base. Besides, they also develop a respect for each others skill set. Such training programs boost employee morale to a great extent. After the training, it is a good idea to save the training material on a shared network or company's intranet, wherein all employees can have an access. 

For any training program to succeed, it is imperative that all concerned individuals must actively participate. Employees must be convinced that the training program can add value to their profile and enhance their career prospects. Besides, they will get a feeling that the organization is willing to share information with them. This results in better performance and a healthy employer-employee relation.

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